MC-155711 - Functions capable of running commands they shouldn’t be able to (publish, debug …).MC-153852 - Concrete powder deleting waterlogged blocks when falling.MC-153749 - Trusting Foxes attack player when self-injured.MC-153406 - Score JSON Component Crash in items.MC-152908 - When a player joins a server, everything that happened during the time offline queued on connecting to the server.MC-148613 - Aquatic mobs are not spawning / Fish spawned from buckets count towards the aquatic mob cap again.MC-145769 - Villagers aren’t shutting doors behind them.Fixed server freeze when Villagers fell into the void.Fixed debug reports in worlds with a dot in their name.MC-156349 - Cannot press Enter on Direct Connect.MC-156042 - Villager demand never goes down over time unless traded with.MC-151282 - Villager trade GUI doesn’t show the correct price on servers if trade demand is high.MC-154271 - Rolling shutter issue on MacOS since 1.14.3 Pre-Release 2.MC-149018 - High Idle CPU usage on Server Edition (Minecraft 1.14 Release).MC-156574 - Villager demand values increase/decrease indefinitely.MC-156407 - Unobtainable (speed) suspicious stew can be obtained from villagers.MC-156389 - Game Crashes when Shift + Command + Delete 18 characters at once on Anvil.MC-150623 - The game crashed whilst rendering overlay: Unable to fit texture.Mobs will no longer try to pathfind their way through bamboo.Village sieges no longer occur on mushroom islands.Villagers now wait with restocking until they have trades that need restocking.The Player Activity button on the Realm screen has been removed.Gossip about players who converted a zombie villager will now last longer.Villagers can now work without also restocking at the same time.Improved performance of Villager pathfinding.

Villagers will now remember their gossip after becoming a Zombie Villager.function-permission-level is a new setting in server.properties that controls which commands functions have access to./reload and /forceload is now available to gamemasters.Improved chunk loading when travelling at high speed.Removed camera pivot offset in first-person.Please include this while making bug reports about performance! Added /debug report for getting more detailed information.Suspicious stew made from poppies now gives you night vision instead of speed.Aside from new features, 1.15 will also focus on quality and performance improvements. Today we're releasing 1.14.4, a release that addresses left over issues from 1.14. We plan on this being the final release for 1.14 and we'll continue our efforts on 1.15.